COVID AMP - CoronaNet Taxonomy Map
0 Introduction
This document maps the taxonomy used by the COVID Analysis and Maping of Policies (COVID AMP) dataset to document government policies made in response to COVID-19 into the CoronaNet Research Project taxonomy. Each section maps the general area for which the taxonomy is mapped and each sub-section provides further detail as necessary. Following each explanation for how the mapping is conceptualized, there is R code for operationalizing this mapping. Please refer to the COVID AMP Data Dictionary and Documentation accessible through their website and the CoronaNet Codebook for more information on their respective taxonomies.
Note that the code below is customized to adjust for errors and idiosyncrasies in the COVID AMP data as of September 10, 2021. You can access (i) this original version of the COVID AMP dataset, “COVID AMP - Data Export 2021-09-10.xlsx”, as well as (ii) the version which transforms this version of the COVID AMP dataset into the CoronaNet taxonomy, “amp_coronanet_map.csv” (the rest of this document details how this transformation was implemented) from the CoronaNet pubic git repo.1 Setup
To create replicate this taxonomy mapping exercise, users will need to load the following R packages and to read in the original COVID AMP data. It also reads in data on predicted policy types, see the ‘Add in model-based predictions’ section for more information.
# original data
= read_excel( here("data", "collaboration", "covidamp", "COVID AMP - Data Export 2021-09-10.xlsx" ), skip = 6 , sheet = "Policies")
# clean column names
colnames(covidamp) = gsub("\\s*\\([^\\)]+\\)","",as.character(colnames(covidamp)))
colnames(covidamp) = gsub('[[:punct:] ]+',' ', colnames(covidamp))
colnames(covidamp) = gsub(' ', '_', colnames(covidamp))
for (i in 1:ncol(covidamp)) {
= covidamp[1,i, drop = T]
temp if (class(temp) == "Date") {
}= replace(covidamp[,i], covidamp[,i] == "N/A", NA)
covidamp[,i] = replace(covidamp[,i], covidamp[,i] == "", NA)
colnames(covidamp)[1] = "unique_id"
# prediction data
= read_csv( here("data", "collaboration", "covidamp", "amp_predict.csv")) amp_predicts
2 Map Creation
The following code creates a map to translate the COVID AMP data to the CoronaNet taxonomy. The COVID AMP unique id is captured in the first variable name to allow for cross-checking while the rest of the variable names follow the CoronaNet taxonomy.
Where there is a straightforward one-to-one relationship between the two taxonomies, these are directly mapped in the below:
variable allows each unique observation to be identifiable. This is conceptually the same as CoronaNet’srecord_id
variable. To match how this variable is named in the other external datasets, we rename this variable asunique_id
Policy description
variable is a close approximation to CoronaNet’sdescription
variable. The main difference is that (at least in theory), CoronaNet’sdescription
variable must always contain certain information (the policy initiator, the type of policy, the date the policy started, and if applicable: the geographic target of the policy, the demographic target of the policy and the end date of the policy) while there does not appear to be the same amount of information consistently captured in the COVID AMP’sPolicy description
variable. As such, it will likely be necessary to back code for this information for observations in the COVID AMP dataset that are not in the CoronaNet datasetThe COVID AMP
Issued date
variable documents when a policy or law was initially announced and/or issued, which provides a direct match for thedate_announced
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy.The COVID AMP
documents when a policy was (or will be) enacted, which provides a direct match for thedate_start
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy.The COVID AMP
variable, which captures the name of the country from which a policy is initiated, is a direct conceptual match for thecountry
variable in CoronaNet. Further cleaning must be done however to match these codes, which is done in a section below.The COVID AMP
Authorizing country ISO
variable, which captures the ISO code for the country from which a policy is intiated, is a direct conceptual match for theISO_A3
variable in CoronaNet. Further cleaning must be done however to match these codes, which is done in a section below.The COVID AMP
Authorizing state/province
which captures the name of the state or province from which a policy is initiated, is a direct Coronanet’sprovince
variable. Further cleaning must be done however to match these names, which is done in a section below.The COVID AMP
which captures the name of the local area (e.g. city, county) from which a policy is initiated, is a direct Coronanet’sinit_other
variable.The COVID AMP
variable, which captures the name of the country a policy is targeting, is a direct conceptual match for thetarget_country
variable in CoronaNet. Further cleaning must be done however to match these names however, which will be done downstream in the manual harmonisation of the data.The COVID AMP
Affected state/province
which captures the name of the state or province a policy is targeting is a direct Coronanet’starget_province
variable. Further cleaning must be done however to match these names however, which will be done downstream in the manual harmonisation of the data.The COVID AMP
which captures the name of the local area (e.g. city, county) a policy is targeting, is a direct Coronanet’starget_other
variable. Further cleaning must be done however to match these names however, which will be done downstream in the manual harmonisation of the data.The COVID AMP
Data source for policy announcement
and variableData_source_for_law_policy
captures information on the URL link for the raw source of information on which the policy is based depending on whether the source records a policy announcement or a law. These are combined to map into thelink
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy.The COVID AMP
and variablePDF_file_name_of_law_policy
captures information on the PDF link for the raw source of information on which the policy is based depending on whether the source records a policy announcement or a law. These are combined to map into thepdf_link
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy.
= data.frame(unique_id = covidamp$unique_id,
amp_coronanet_map entry_type = NA,
correct_type= NA,
update_type= NA,
update_level= NA,
description= covidamp$Policy_description,
date_announced= as.Date(covidamp$Issued_date),
date_start= as.Date(covidamp$Effective_start_date),
date_end= NA,
country = covidamp$Authorizing_country_name,
ISO_A3 = covidamp$Authorizing_country_ISO,
ISO_A2 = NA,
init_country_level = NA,
domestic_policy = NA,
target_init_same = NA,
province = covidamp$Authorizing_state_province_if_applicable,
init_other = covidamp$Authorizing_local_area,
type= NA,
type_sub_cat= NA,
type_text= NA,
institution_status= NA,
target_country= covidamp$Affected_country_name,
target_geog_level= NA,
target_region= NA,
target_province= covidamp$Affected_state_province,
target_city= covidamp$Affected_local_area,
target_other= NA,
target_who_what= NA,
target_who_gen = NA,
target_direction= NA,
travel_mechanism= NA,
institution_cat = NA,
compliance= NA,
enforcer= NA,
link = ifelse(!$Data_source_for_policy_announcement),covidamp$Data_source_for_policy_announcement,
ifelse(!$Data_source_for_law_policy), covidamp$Data_source_for_law_policy,
covidamppdf_link = ifelse(!$Attachment_for_policy),covidamp$Attachment_for_policy,
ifelse(!$PDF_file_name_of_law_policy), covidamp$PDF_file_name_of_law_policy, NA)),
date_updated = NA)
2.1 Add Model-Based Predictions
This code adds in model-based predictions for the ‘type’ of policy an observation is provided in the who_predicts.csv file. This data was provided by the Coronanet Data Science Team. The models used to create those predictions were trained on the Coronanet data, those predictions might therefore not be accurate and are to be treated as suggestive. ‘type_alt’ refers to the more confident guess by the models and ‘type_alt_alt’ contains the second best predictions from these predictive models.
= amp_coronanet_map %>%
amp_coronanet_map left_join(amp_predicts %>%
::select(unique_id = `Unique ID` ,
dplyrtype_alt = predict_1,
type_alt_2 = predict_2))
2.2 Countries
The following code adjust for the different ways each tracker documents policies originating from certain regions of the world. In particular:
COVID AMP categorizes England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales as separate countries. The CoronaNet taxonomy considers these regions as provinces within the United Kingdom and the following code adjusts this data accordingly.
COVID AMP categorizes tribal nations in the United States as separate countries. The CoronaNet taxonomy considers these regions as local governmental levels within the United States and the following code adjusts this data accordingly.
= amp_coronanet_map %>%
amp_coronanet_map mutate(
province = case_when( & country == "England (GB-ENG)" ~ "England", & country == "Northern Ireland (GB-NIR)" ~ "Northern Ireland", & country == "Scotland (GB-SCT)" ~ "Scotland", & country == "Wales (GB-WLS)" ~ "Wales" ,
grepl("Tribe|Sac and Fox Nation|Yavapai Nation|Blackfeet Nation|Navajo|Crow Nation|Community|Colony|Reservation|Potawatomi Nation|Tohono O'odham|Luik", province) ~ as.character(NA),
TRUE ~ province),
init_other = case_when(
grepl("Tribe|Sac and Fox Nation|Yavapai Nation|Blackfeet Nation|Navajo|Crow Nation|Community|Colony|Reservation|Potawatomi Nation|Tohono O'odham|Luik", country) ~ country,
country = case_when( & country == "England (GB-ENG)" ~ "United Kingdom" , & country == "Northern Ireland (GB-NIR)" ~ "United Kingdom", & country == "Scotland (GB-SCT)" ~ "United Kingdom", & country == "Wales (GB-WLS)" ~ "United Kingdom",
grepl("Tribe|Sac and Fox Nation|Yavapai Nation|Blackfeet Nation|Navajo|Crow Nation|Community|Colony|Reservation|Potawatomi Nation|Tohono O'odham|Luik", country) ~ "United States of America",
TRUE~ country),
ISO_A3 =
%in% c('GB-SCT', "GB-ENG", 'GB-WLS', "GB-NIR")~ "GBR",
ISO_A3 grepl("Tribe|Sac and Fox Nation|Yavapai Nation|Blackfeet Nation|Navajo|Crow Nation|Community|Colony|Reservation|Potawatomi Nation|Tohono O'odham|Luik", init_other) ~ "USA",
2.3 Cities and Counties
The COVID AMP variable Authorizing_local_area
does not make distinctions between cities and counties whereas the CoronaNet taxonomy does. To the extent possible, the following code separates out cities and counties through the use of regular expressions into the city
and init_other
variables in the CoronaNet taxonomy accordingly.
<- covidamp %>%
init mutate(
init_other = case_when(
grepl("County|county", Authorizing_local_area) ~ Authorizing_local_area,
TRUE ~ as.character(NA)
),city = case_when(
grepl("Luik", Authorizing_local_area) ~ Authorizing_local_area,
grepl("city|City", Authorizing_local_area) ~ Authorizing_local_area, ~ Authorizing_local_area,
TRUE ~ as.character(NA)
)%>% select(
unique_id, init_other, city
)= rows_patch(amp_coronanet_map, init, "unique_id") amp_coronanet_map
2.4 End dates
COVID AMP captures information on end dates in two separate variables, the anticipated end date
and actual end date
. The closest match for these variables in the CoronaNet taxonomy is its date_end
(Note, additionally the CoronaNet taxonomy also captures qualitative information about end dates in its date_end_spec
variable but this is not a close conceptual match ot the COVID AMP variables). In order to retain as much information as possible from COVID AMP about the end dates, the following information is mapped into the CoronaNet date_end
- If te
anticipated end date
is the same as the actual end date and neither of them is NA, theactual end date
is used. - If the
anticipated end date
is different than theactual end date
and neither of them is NA, both of the end dates are used. - If there is only an
actual end date
captured and noanticipated end date
, the actual end date is used. - If there is only an
anticipated end date
captured and noactual end date
, theanticipated end date
is used. - If there is no information recorded in either
anticipated end date
andactual end date
, then no end date is recorded.
end_date %>%
covidamp mutate(
date_end =
! & ! & Actual_end_date == Anticipated_end_date ~ Actual_end_date,
! & ! & Actual_end_date != Anticipated_end_date ~ paste0("Actual end date:", Actual_end_date, ' ; anticipated end date: ', Anticipated_end_date),
! & ~ Actual_end_date, & ! ~ Anticipated_end_date,
! & ! ~ as.character(NA)
)%>% select(unique_id, date_end)
) = rows_patch(amp_coronanet_map,end_date, "unique_id") amp_coronanet_map
2.5 Policy Level
COVID AMP captures information on the level of government that authorizes a given policy action in its Authorizing_level_of_government
variable, which is a direct conceptual match for CoronaNet’s init_country_level
variable. The values for this field however need to be adjusted slightly to match the CoronaNet taxonomy:
- Policies originating from England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales are changed from policies that originate at the Country level in the COVID AMP taxonomy to the Provincial level in the CoronaNet taxonomy, since CoronaNet considers these regions as provinces of Great Britain rather than as separate countries as COVID AMP does.
- Policies coded as taking the value of Country in the COVID AMP taxonomy are renamed as National to match the CoronaNet taxonomy
- Policies coded as taking the value of State/Province in the COVID AMP taxonomy are renamed as Provincial to match the CoronaNet taxonomy
- Policies coded as taking the value of Tribal nation in the COVID AMP taxonomy are kept as is although there is no corresponding category in the CoronaNet taxonomy. These policies will be processed later during the harmonisation process.
- Policies coded as taking the value of Local in the COVID AMP taxonomy are alternatively coded as taking the value of Other (e.g., county) or Municipal depending on whether the kewords of country or city are present in the localities name.
In addition, the CoronaNet taxonommy also documents whether the government which initiates a policy is the same as the geographic target of the policy in its target_init_same
variable. We extract this information from the COVID AMP data as follows:
(i.e. whether the geographical target of the policy matches the geographical location the authorizing governemnt body sits in) takes the value of Yes if theAuthorizing_country_name
is the same as theAffected_country_name
and No otherwise.
= covidamp %>%
pol_level select(unique_id, Authorizing_level_of_government, Authorizing_country_ISO,Authorizing_country_name, Affected_country_ISO, Authorizing_local_area) %>%
mutate(init_country_level = case_when(
%in% c( "England (GB-ENG)",
Authorizing_country_name "Northern Ireland (GB-NIR)",
"Scotland (GB-SCT)",
"Wales (GB-WLS)") ~ "Provincial",
# grepl("Tribe|Sac and Fox Nation|Yavapai Nation|Blackfeet Nation|Navajo|Crow Nation|Community|Colony|Reservation|Potawatomi Nation|Tohono O'odham|Luik", Authorizing_country_name)~ "Other (e.g., county)",
== "Country" ~ "National",
Authorizing_level_of_government == "State / Province" ~ "Provincial",
Authorizing_level_of_government == "Tribal nation" ~ "Tribal nation",
Authorizing_level_of_government == "Local" & grepl("County|county", Authorizing_local_area) ~ "Other (e.g., county)",
Authorizing_level_of_government == "Local" & grepl("city|City", Authorizing_local_area) ~ "Municipal",
Authorizing_level_of_government == "Local" & !grepl("city|City|County|county", Authorizing_local_area) ~ "Other (e.g., county)",
Authorizing_level_of_government %>%
)) mutate(target_init_same = case_when(
== Affected_country_name ~ "Yes",
Authorizing_country_name TRUE ~ "No"
)) select(unique_id, init_country_level)
= rows_patch(amp_coronanet_map, pol_level, "unique_id") amp_coronanet_map
2.6 Target Regions
The CoronaNet taxonommy also documents what level of government a policy targets in its target_geog_level
variable. We extract this information from the COVID AMP data as follows:
- If a policy does not recorded a state or province or local area that it specifically targets,
takes on the value of One or more countries, but not all countries - If a policy records state or province that it specifically targets but no local area that it specifically targets,
takes on the value of One or more provinces within a country - If a policy records a local area that it specifically targets,
takes on the value of One or more cities within a country
= covidamp %>%
target_reg select(unique_id, Affected_country_name, Affected_state_province, Affected_local_area) %>%
mutate(target_geog_level = case_when( & ~ "One or more countries, but not all countries", ~ "One or more provinces within a country",
! ~ "One or more cities within a country"
)) select(-c(2,3,4))
= rows_patch(amp_coronanet_map, target_reg, "unique_id") amp_coronanet_map
2.7 Policy update level
, which records whether a policy is relaxing or strenthening over tie, is nearly direct conceptual match for CoronaNet’supdate_level
. Both CoronaNet and COVID AMP refer to policies that ease over time as Relaxing. COVID AMP refers to policies that become more restrictive over time as Restricting while CoronaNet refers to such policies as Strenthening.However, COVID AMP’s value 9of Other for the variable cannot be directly mapped to the CoronaNet taxonomy; such mappings with be done downstream during manual harmonisation. For the purposes of this mapping, these are recoded as NA.
$update_level = covidamp$Policy_relaxing_or_restricting
amp_coronanet_map$update_level = na_if(amp_coronanet_map$update_level, "Other") amp_coronanet_map
2.8 Target Who/ What
The COVID AMP taxonomy captures information as to the demographics of a policy in its Policy_subtargets
, which is a direct conceptual map to the target_who_gen
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy. Not all values within this variable are directly mappable however. The following code maps as many values as are directly mappable as possible and leaves the rest for manual harmonisation to resolve downstream.
= covidamp %>%
temp select(unique_id, Policy_subtarget) %>%
mutate(target_who_gen = case_when(
grepl("Nursing homes/assisted living facility", Policy_subtarget) ~ "People in nursing homes/long term care facilities",
grepl("Homeless shelters/homeless individuals", Policy_subtarget) ~ "Homeless population",
grepl("Non essential workers (inclusive)", Policy_subtarget) ~ "Non-essential workers (please note their occupation in the text entry where applicable)",
grepl("Essential workers (inclusive)",Policy_subtarget) ~ "Essential workers (please note their occuption in the text entry where applicable)",
grepl("Migrant workers/Refugees/asylum seekers", Policy_subtarget) ~ "Migrant workers (please note their occupation in the text entry where applicable)",
),target_who_what = case_when(grepl("Travelers", Policy_subtarget) ~ "All Travelers (Citizen Travelers + Foreign Travelers)"
)) select(-c(2))
= rows_patch(amp_coronanet_map, temp, "unique_id") amp_coronanet_map
2.9 Categories Cleaning
The following code fixes some issues with the policy categories and subcategories in the COVID AMP dataset. In particular, it appears that some of the COVID AMP policy subcategories are not mapped to the correct policy category. We fix these issues in the below in order to make the subsequent mapping of the COVID AMP taxonomy into the CoronaNet taxonomy as error-free as possible.
= covidamp %>%
temp select(unique_id, Policy_category, Policy_subcategory) %>%
mutate(type = case_when(
grepl("Domestic travel restriction|International travel restriction", Policy_subcategory) ~ "Travel restrictions",
grepl("General emergency declaration|Public health emergency declaration", Policy_subcategory) ~ "Emergency declarations",
grepl("Other labor protections|Support for essential workers|Budget modifications|Relief funding|Anti-price gouging measures|Tax delay",Policy_subcategory) ~ "Enabling and relief measures",
grepl("Other measures to support public health and clinical capacity|Risk Communication|Other measures to support public health and clinical capacity|Coverage for cost of testing|Elective procedure delay or cancellation", Policy_subcategory) ~ "Support for public health and clinical capacity",
grepl("Authorization", Policy_subcategory) ~ "Authorization and enforcement",
grepl("Testing|Contact tracing", Policy_subcategory) ~ "Contact tracing/Testing",
grepl("Health screening|Adaptation and mitigation measures|Distancing mandate|Mass gathering restrictions|Quarantine|School closures|Quarantine|Curfews|Lockdown|Event delays or cancellations|Public service closures|Isolation|Stay at home|Private sector closures|Alternative election measures|Other forms of social distancing", Policy_subcategory) ~ "Social distancing",
grepl("Face mask", Policy_subcategory) ~ "Face mask",
TRUE ~ Policy_category
)) select(-c(2,3)) %>%
rename(Policy_category = type)
= rows_update(covidamp, temp, "unique_id") covidamp
3 Policy Type
3.2 Contact tracing/Testing
The following code maps how COVID AMP captures contact tracing and testing policies to the CoronaNet taxonomy. Though there is no one to one matching of the Contact tracing/Testing Policy_category
to the CoronaNet taxonomy, it is possible to use the Policy_subcategory
to create one to one matchings for the type
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy. In particular, the following code matches the following for policies that take on the value of Contact tracing/Testing in the Policy_category
Observations that take on the value of Testing or no vaolue
variable can be mapped as Health Testing for thetype
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy.Observations that take on the value of Contact tracing
variable can be mapped as Health Monitoring for thetype
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy. A more detailed mapping of to policy subtypes in the CoronaNet taxonomy would theoretically be possible but would not be possible to do easily. As such it was not done in this initial mapping but rather reserved for downstream manual data harmonization.
= covidamp %>%
contacts filter(Policy_category == "Contact tracing/Testing") %>%
select(unique_id, Policy_category, Policy_subcategory) %>%
mutate(type = case_when(
== "Testing" ~ "Health Testing",
Policy_subcategory == "Contact tracing" ~ "Health Monitoring",
Policy_subcategory ~ "Health Testing",
TRUE ~ as.character(NA)
= rows_patch(amp_coronanet_map, contacts, "unique_id") amp_coronanet_map
3.3 Support for public health and clinical capacity
The following code maps how COVID AMP captures support for public health and clinical capacity to the CoronaNet taxonomy.
The COVID AMP taxonomy aims to capture such policies by coding the
as Support for public health and clinical capacityThe CoronaNet taxonomy aims to capture such policies by coding the
variable as Health ResourcesNote while it may have been possible to addtionally map policy sub types within this larger policy type, such mappings would have been imprecise and we reserved them for downstream manual data harmoization.
= covidamp %>%
support_health filter(Policy_category == "Support for public health and clinical capacity") %>%
select(unique_id, Policy_category, Policy_subcategory) %>%
mutate(type = "Health Resources")%>%
= rows_patch(amp_coronanet_map, support_health, "unique_id") amp_coronanet_map
3.4 Enabling and relief measures
The following code maps how COVID AMP captures relief measure policies to the CoronaNet taxonomy. Though there is no one to one matching of the Enabling and relief measures Policy_category
to the CoronaNet taxonomy, it is possible to use the Policy_subcategory
to create one to one matchings for the type
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy. In particular, the following code matches the following for policies that take on the value of Enabling and relief measures in the Policy_category
Observations that take on the value of Regulatory relief, Other relief measures, Relief funding , Eviction and foreclosure delays, Budget modifications, Modification of unemployment benefits, Leave entitlement adjustments, Other labor protections, Anti-price gouging measures, Utility payment delay, Utility payment, Stimulus payments, Mortgage payment support, Hazard pay", or takes on no value in
variable can be mapped as Other Policy Not Listed Above (econ) for thetype
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy.Observations that take on the value of Extension of public services, Tax delay, Remote Notarization in the
variable can be mapped as Restriction and Regulation of Government Services for thetype
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy.Observations that take on the value of Support for essential workers in the
variable can be mapped as Health Resources for thetype
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy.Observations that take on the value of Early prison release in the
variable can be mapped as Restrictions of Mass Gatherings for thetype
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy.
= covidamp %>%
relief_measures filter(Policy_category == "Enabling and relief measures") %>%
select(unique_id, Policy_category, Policy_subcategory) %>%
mutate(type = case_when(
%in% c(
Policy_subcategory "Regulatory relief",
"Other relief measures",
"Relief funding" ,
"Eviction and foreclosure delays",
"Budget modifications",
"Modification of unemployment benefits" ,
"Leave entitlement adjustments",
"Other labor protections" ,
"Anti-price gouging measures",
"Utility payment delay",
"Utility payment",
"Stimulus payments",
"Mortgage payment support",
"Hazard pay")~ "Other Policy Not Listed Above (econ)",
%in% c(
Policy_subcategory "Extension of public services",
"Tax delay",
"Remote Notarization"
~ "Restriction and Regulation of Government Services",
== "Support for essential workers" ~ "Health Resources",
Policy_subcategory == "Early prison release" ~ "Restrictions of Mass Gatherings",
Policy_subcategory ~ "Other Policy Not Listed Above (econ)",
TRUE ~ as.character(NA)
= rows_patch(amp_coronanet_map, relief_measures, "unique_id") amp_coronanet_map
3.5 Travel restrictions
The following code maps how COVID AMP captures travel restriction policies to the CoronaNet taxonomy. Though there is no one to one matching of the Travel restrictions Policy_category
to the CoronaNet taxonomy, it is possible to use the Policy_subcategory
to create one to one matchings for the type
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy. In particular, the following code matches the following for policies that take on the value of Travel restrictions in the Policy_category
Observations that take on the value of International travel restriction, Domestic travel restrictions (interstate) or take on no value in the
variable can be mapped as External Border Restrictions for thetype
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy.Observations that take on the value of Domestic travel restriction or Domestic travel restrictions (intrastate) in the
variable can be mapped as Internal Border Restrictions for thetype
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy.
= covidamp %>%
travel_restrictions filter(Policy_category == "Travel restrictions") %>%
select(unique_id, Policy_category, Policy_subcategory) %>%
mutate(type = case_when(
%in% c(
Policy_subcategory "International travel restriction",
"Domestic travel restrictions (interstate)") ~ "External Border Restrictions",
%in% c(
Policy_subcategory "Domestic travel restriction",
"Domestic travel restrictions (intrastate)")~ "Internal Border Restrictions", ~ "External Border Restrictions",
TRUE ~ as.character(NA)
= rows_patch(amp_coronanet_map, travel_restrictions, "unique_id") amp_coronanet_map
3.6 Emergency declarations
The following code maps how COVID AMP captures declarations of emergency to the CoronaNet taxonomy.
The COVID AMP taxonomy aims to capture such policies by coding the
as Emergency declarationsThe CoronaNet taxonomy aims to capture such policies by coding the
variable as Declaration of Emergency
= covidamp %>%
emergency filter(Policy_category == "Emergency declarations") %>%
select(unique_id, Policy_category, Policy_subcategory) %>%
mutate(type = "Declaration of Emergency"
= rows_patch(amp_coronanet_map, emergency, "unique_id") amp_coronanet_map
3.7 Military mobilization
The following code maps how COVID AMP captures military mobilization to the CoronaNet taxonomy.
The COVID AMP taxonomy aims to capture such policies by coding the
as *Military mobilization**The CoronaNet taxonomy does not systematically capture policies about military mobilization. As such, these policies have been mapped such that the
variable takes the value of Other Policy Not Listed Above
CoronaNet does not capture policies about military mobilization, therefore it has been mapped to ‘Other Policy Not Listed Above’.
= covidamp %>%
military filter(Policy_category == "Military mobilization") %>%
select(unique_id, Policy_category, Policy_subcategory) %>%
mutate(type = "Other Policy Not Listed Above"
) select(-c(2,3))
= rows_patch(amp_coronanet_map, military, "unique_id") amp_coronanet_map
3.9 Face mask
The following code maps how COVID AMP captures face mask policies to the CoronaNet taxonomy.
The COVID AMP taxonomy aims to capture such policies by coding the
as Face maskThe CoronaNet taxonomy aims to capture such policies by coding the
variable as Social Distancing. A more detailed mapping of to policy subtypes in the CoronaNet taxonomy would theoretically be possible but would not be possible to do easily. As such, it was not done in this initial mapping but rather reserved for downstream manual data harmonization.
= covidamp %>%
mask filter(Policy_category == "Face mask") %>%
select(unique_id, Policy_category, Policy_subcategory) %>%
mutate(type = "Social Distancing"
= rows_patch(amp_coronanet_map, mask, "unique_id") amp_coronanet_map
3.10 Vaccine
The following code maps how COVID AMP captures vaccination policies to the CoronaNet taxonomy.
The COVID AMP taxonomy aims to capture such policies by coding the
as VaccinationsThe CoronaNet taxonomy aims to capture such policies by coding the
variable as COVID-19 Vaccine. In a section below, we further map sub types for COVID-19 vaccinations.
= covidamp %>%
vaccine filter(Policy_category == "Vaccinations") %>%
select(unique_id, Policy_category, Policy_subcategory) %>%
mutate(type = "COVID-19 Vaccines"
= rows_patch(amp_coronanet_map, vaccine, "unique_id") amp_coronanet_map
4 Policy Subtypes
In the following section, we further map the policy subtypes documented in the COVID AMP variable Policy_subtarget
to the corresponding CoronaNet variable type_sub_cat
for a subset of the dataset.
4.1 Business Restrictions
The following code maps how COVID AMP captures policies regarding business restrictions to the CoronaNet taxonomy despite the fact that it cannot be directly done.
The following code extracts keywords from the
variable in the COVID AMP taxonomy to determine whether as a business should be mapped as a Non-essential business or an Essential business in thebusiness_cat
variable. These keywords were chosen based on a manual inspection of the COVID AMP data.The following code extracts keywords from the
variable in the COVID AMP taxonomy to determine what type of business is being targeted into thetype_sub_cat
variable. These keywords were chosen based on a manual inspection of the COVID AMP data.
= amp_coronanet_map %>%
temp filter(type == "Restriction and Regulation of Businesses") %>%
= covidamp[covidamp$unique_id %in% temp$unique_id,]
temp = temp %>%
business_cat select(unique_id, Policy_subtarget) %>%
non_essential_dum = ifelse(grepl("Non essential business", Policy_subtarget, = F),
"Non-Essential Businesses",
NA ),
essential_dum = ifelse(grepl("Essential business", Policy_subtarget, = F),
"Essential Businesses", NA )) %>%
essential_dum, na.rm = TRUE, sep = ',' ) %>%
non_essential_dum, select(-c(2))
= rows_patch(amp_coronanet_map, business_cat, "unique_id")
= temp %>%
business_type select(unique_id, Policy_subtarget) %>%
grocery_dum = ifelse(grepl("Grocery store", Policy_subtarget, = F), "Supermarkets/grocery stores", NA ),
hotel_dum = ifelse(grepl("Hotels/lodging", Policy_subtarget, = F), "Paid lodgings (e.g. hotels)", NA ),
personal_dum = ifelse(grepl("Personal care facilities", Policy_subtarget, = F), "Personal Grooming Businesses (e.g. hair salons)", NA ),
pharmacy_dum = ifelse(grepl("Pharmacy", Policy_subtarget, = F), "Pharmacies", NA ),
rest_dum = ifelse(grepl("Restaurants/bars", Policy_subtarget, = F), "Restaurants,Bars", NA ),
retail_dum = ifelse(grepl("Retail stores (not including food)", Policy_subtarget, = F), "Retail Businesses", NA ),
farm_dum = ifelse(grepl("Farming/Agriculture/Food processing", Policy_subtarget, = F), "Agriculture, forestry and fishing", NA)) %>%
unite(type_sub_cat, grocery_dum, hotel_dum, personal_dum, pharmacy_dum, rest_dum, retail_dum, farm_dum, na.rm = TRUE, sep = ',' ) %>%
= rows_patch(amp_coronanet_map, business_type, "unique_id") amp_coronanet_map
4.2 Schools
The following code maps how COVID AMP captures school closures/ restrictions to the CoronaNet taxonomy.
- COVID AMP and CoronaNet document whether a policy is targeted toward preschools, primary schools, secondary schools and higher eduction institutions but they use slightly different language to do so. The following extracts this information from the
variable in the COVID AMP taxonomy to determine what school type is being targeted into thetype_sub_cat
variable. These keywords were chosen based on a manual inspection of the COVID AMP data.
= amp_coronanet_map %>%
temp filter(type == "Closure and Regulation of Schools") %>%
= covidamp[covidamp$unique_id %in% temp$unique_id,]
temp = temp %>%
school_type select(unique_id, Policy_subtarget) %>%
nurs_dum = ifelse(grepl("Childcare facilities (preschool or other daycare)", Policy_subtarget, = F), "Preschool or childcare facilities (generally for children ages 5 and below)", NA ),
prim_dum = ifelse(grepl("Primary education", Policy_subtarget, = F), "Primary Schools (generally for children ages 10 and below)", NA ),
sec_dum = ifelse(grepl("Secondary education", Policy_subtarget, = F), "Secondary Schools (generally for children ages 10 to 18)", NA ),
high_dum = ifelse(grepl("Higher education", Policy_subtarget, = F), "Higher education institutions (i.e. degree granting institutions)", NA )) %>%
unite(type_sub_cat, nurs_dum, prim_dum, sec_dum, high_dum, na.rm = TRUE, sep = ',' ) %>%
= rows_patch(amp_coronanet_map, school_type, "unique_id") amp_coronanet_map
4.3 Mass Gatherings
The following code maps how COVID AMP captures restrictions of mass gathering policies to the CoronaNet taxonomy.
- COVID AMP and CoronaNet document whether a policy is targeted toward places of worship, prisons, and funeral homes but they use slightly different language to do so. The following extracts this information from the
variable in the COVID AMP taxonomy to determine what gathering type is being targeted into thetype_sub_cat
variable in the CoronaNet taxonom. These keywords were chosen based on a manual inspection of the COVID AMP data.
= amp_coronanet_map %>%
temp filter(type == "Restrictions of Mass Gatherings") %>%
= covidamp[covidamp$unique_id %in% temp$unique_id,]
temp = temp %>%
mass_type select(unique_id, Policy_subtarget) %>%
relig_dum = ifelse(grepl("Churches/places of worship", Policy_subtarget, = F), "Attendance at religious services restricted (e.g. mosque/church closings)", NA ),
pris_dum = ifelse(grepl("Criminal justice system/prisons/jails/incarcerated persons", Policy_subtarget, = F), "Prison population reduced (e.g. early release of prisoners)", NA ),
fun_dum = ifelse(grepl("Funeral home/mortuary", Policy_subtarget, = F), "Funerals and mourning rituals", NA )) %>%
unite(type_sub_cat, relig_dum, pris_dum, fun_dum, na.rm = T, sep = ',' ) %>%
= rows_patch(amp_coronanet_map, mass_type, "unique_id") amp_coronanet_map
4.4 Vaccines
The following code maps how COVID AMP captures vaccination policies to the CoronaNet taxonomy in more detail than the initial mapping shown above.
- COVID AMP and CoronaNet document whether a policy is targeted the administration, distribution, logistics and prioritization of COVID-19 vaccines but they use slightly different language to do so. The following maps this information from
variable in the COVID AMP taxonomy into thetype_sub_cat
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy.
= covidamp %>%
vaccine_sub filter(Policy_category == "Vaccinations") %>%
select(unique_id, Policy_category, Policy_subcategory) %>%
mutate(type_sub_cat = case_when(
== "Vaccine administration, distribution, and logistics" ~ "Distribution of COVID-19 vaccines",
Policy_subcategory == 'Vaccine prioritization' ~ "Distribution of COVID-19 vaccines",
Policy_subcategory TRUE ~ as.character(NA)
= rows_patch(amp_coronanet_map, vaccine, "unique_id") amp_coronanet_map
5 Final Mapping
Finally, once all the variables that are possible to harmonize from the COVIDMP dataset to CoronaNet taxonomy have been identified, the results are exported in an .rds and .csv format, to be consolidated together with the other external databases to be harmonized. The final consolidated dataset is then processed for manual harmonisation into the CoronaNet Research Project dataset.
write.csv(amp_coronanet_map, here("data", "collaboration", "covidamp", "amp_coronanet_map.csv"))
saveRDS(amp_coronanet_map , file = here("data", "collaboration", "covidamp", "amp_coronanet_map.rds"))
3.1 Social Distancing
The following code maps how COVID AMP captures social distancing policies to the CoronaNet taxonomy. While when there is no one to one matching of the Social distancing
to the CoronaNet taxonomy, it is possible to use thePolicy_subcategory
to create one to one matchings for thetype
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy. In particular, the following code matches the following for policies that take on the value of Social distancing in thePolicy_category
variable::Observations that take on the value of Other forms of social distancing, Visitor restrictions, Distancing mandate, Face covering or takes on no value in
variable can be mapped as Social Distancing for thetype
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy.Observations that take on the value of Lockdown, Stay at home, Safer at home or Isolation in the
variable can be mapped as Lockdown for thetype
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy.Observations that take on the value of Alternative election measures, Public service closures or Election delays in the
variable can be mapped as Restriction and Regulation of Government Services for thetype
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy.Observations that take on the value of Private sector closures or Adaptation and mitigation measures in the
variable can be mapped as Restriction and Regulation of Businesses for thetype
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy.Observations that take on the value of Mass gathering restrictions, Event delays or cancellations, or Prison population reduction in the
variable can be mapped as Restrictions of Mass Gatherings for thetype
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy.Observations that take on the value of School closures in the
variable can be mapped as Closure and Regulation of Schools for thetype
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy.Observations that take on the value of Quarantine in the
variable can be mapped as Quarantine for thetype
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy.Observations that take on the value of Curfews in the
variable can be mapped as Curfew for thetype
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy.Observations that take on the value of Health screening in the
variable can be mapped as Health Monitoring for thetype
variable in the CoronaNet taxonomy.