180,000+ entries, 195 countries, 1,000+ researchers

This is the permanent home for data and resources related to the CoronaNet Research Project, an initiiatve to collect an event-based dataset on government actions made response to COVID-19 for countries and provinces around the world. Data collection for this project has finished and current efforts are aimed at cleaning and systematizing the data. This dataset provides the most comprehensive and granular documentation of such government policies in the world, capturing data for 18 broad policy categories alongside many other dimensions, including the initiator, target, and timing of a policy.

Currently there is coverage for most countries in the world and for hundreds of sub-national units, including provinces and cities, from January 2020 through December 2021. The most complete coverage is for the European Union and Russia thanks in large part to an EU Horizon 2020 grant as well as a grant from the NCEEER. While subnational data is available for most countries, we made a systematic effort to collect subnational (ISO administrative level 2) data for the following countries: Brazil, China, Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Nigeria, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, and the United States.

Dataset coverage has been augmented with data harmonization from 7 other COVID-19 policy tracking initatives including the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker, COVID Analysis and Mapping of POlicies (COVID AMP), John Hopkins Health Intervention Tracking for COVID-19 (HIT-COVID), WHO COVID-19 Public Health and Safety Measures (WHO PHSM) dataset, which incldues data from , ACAPS COVID-19 Government Measures dataset, and Canadian Data Set of COVID-19 Interventions from the Candian Institute for Health Information (CIHI).

At present, the project is being led by PIs Cindy Cheng and Robert Kubinec.

Our Datasets

We have compiled policy intensity scores that capture the relative level of public health policy in six distinct policy domains by aggregating across the distinct policy records as we describe in this paper that is forthcoming in the Journal of Politics. The policy domains included are Business Restrictions, Health Monitoring, Health Resources, Mask Policies, School Restrictions, Social Distancing with a total of 190 countries.

The scores run from 2020-01-01 to 2021-05-01 and also incorporate data from the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker to represent the best available evidence for COVID-19 policy levels during the pandemic.
Citation: Kubinec, Robert; Barcelo, Joan; Goldszmidt, Rafael; Grujic, Vanja; Model, Timothy; Schenk, Caress; Cheng, Cindy; Hale, Thomas; Spencer Hartnett; Allison, Messerschmidt, Luca; Petherick, Anna, and Thorvaldsdottir, Svanhildur. ''Cross-National Measures of the Intensity of COVID-19 Public Health Policies.'' Accepted at the Journal of Politics. doi:10.31235/osf.io/rn9xk.

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